/* Warnings: - The values [FRIEND] on the enum `NotificationType` will be removed. If these variants are still used in the database, this will fail. - You are about to drop the `Like` table. If the table is not empty, all the data it contains will be lost. */ -- AlterEnum BEGIN; CREATE TYPE "NotificationType_new" AS ENUM ('WARNING', 'INFO'); ALTER TABLE "Notifications" ALTER COLUMN "type" TYPE "NotificationType_new" USING ("type"::text::"NotificationType_new"); ALTER TYPE "NotificationType" RENAME TO "NotificationType_old"; ALTER TYPE "NotificationType_new" RENAME TO "NotificationType"; DROP TYPE "NotificationType_old"; COMMIT; -- DropForeignKey ALTER TABLE "Like" DROP CONSTRAINT "CommentLikes"; -- DropForeignKey ALTER TABLE "Like" DROP CONSTRAINT "Like_userId_fkey"; -- DropForeignKey ALTER TABLE "Like" DROP CONSTRAINT "PostLikes"; -- DropTable DROP TABLE "Like"; -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "PostLike" ( "id" TEXT NOT NULL, "postId" TEXT NOT NULL, "userId" TEXT NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT "PostLike_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE "CommentLike" ( "id" TEXT NOT NULL, "commentId" TEXT NOT NULL, "userId" TEXT NOT NULL, "createdAt" TIMESTAMP(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CONSTRAINT "CommentLike_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("id") ); -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "PostLike" ADD CONSTRAINT "PostLike_postId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("postId") REFERENCES "Post"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "PostLike" ADD CONSTRAINT "PostLike_userId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES "User"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "CommentLike" ADD CONSTRAINT "CommentLike_commentId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("commentId") REFERENCES "Comments"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; -- AddForeignKey ALTER TABLE "CommentLike" ADD CONSTRAINT "CommentLike_userId_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES "User"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE;